Luis Dourado
Concept Art
Vade Retro: Globo

Concept Art : Demon

I worked in concept art for this project, and the idea was to bring likeness from the main character to a CGI modeled demon for a specific scene.

First Concepts


For this project I made some paintings to understand how the actor will looks like Lucifer. The characther is based on a real actor from Brazil (Tony Ramos)


Concept Art : Environment

The scene also have a specific Background Environment, like a bedroom without roof, and the scenery is a kind of hell with the Giant Demon looking into the bedroom.

First Concepts

Art Direction

For this environment I made art direction for colors, elements, cenography and camera study.


Final Lookdev Concept

On this final stage, I made a painting based on a 3D scan model from the actor, and worked with lookdev for horns, eyes, skin tones, hair, and many aspects to deliver a good concept for CGI modelers and lookdevers made the final CGI character.